
two monitors!!!!!

I took a monitor from an old computer I had and hooked it up to my tablet. Now I have two monitors.

i r0x04.

I'm excited about my new two monitor opportunities...

but is it bad that I've plugged a power strip into a power strip?
I think I'm using too much electricity.

Oh well.

A couple people from WPI are sending a letter to Strong Bad. It's a collborative effort. This is what happens when geeks get together. on AIM no less...

about halfway through The Things They Carried. Finishing about a week before I planned I was gonna finish. That rocks. If I'm good enough, I wont have to worry about reading and just relax and do nothing.

okay. Not much else...I found the elephant the Mr. Tines gave us For King and I. It was still in my backpack. But I lost my $100+ calculator. So I'll be tearing apart my room until then. Happy trails.


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